Video Production Final

Video Production Final

I am going to be honest: half of the time I have no idea what I am doing. I am very big on photography so I know most of the little functions like white balance, aperture, and I know the importance of focus. But I still have no idea how to work sound and I don't know how to use color bars. 

1 in 2000

The objective of this project was to find and interview an interesting student in our school- 1 student in 2000 other students. We picked Jaden Brown who is involved in a variety of different clubs that we may not hear too much about. Our video was about a minute long and the whole production process took about 2 weeks. Some challenges we faced were, for one, our lack of B-Roll. We didn't have any at all and the B-Roll that we did have was not amazing. Also, we didn't know how to work audio our first time around, so we had to interview Jaden again. I learned that you should use headphones to judge if the sound on your video is actually going through. I also learned that there are different types of sound. For example, nat sound and the kind of sound that focuses in on the subject and cuts out the surrounding noise. During this project, I discovered the importance of writing a voiceover. Voiceovers are important because they help to guide the viewer as to where the video is headed and to fill quiet space within the piece. This video was not my very best, but I definitely think that it helped me to realize how important B-Roll and voiceovers are to Convergence Journalism.

ONW Now- Sophomore Edition

The objective of this project was to get assigned a segment for our classes edition of ONW Now, storyboard/plan them, film, edit, and then put every segment together to create the final news show with every group's piece. My group's segment was Word From The Halls. Total this project took about two weeks. The planning took a couple of days, and on the third day, we began to film. Filming took one entire lunch period, and that was it. A challenge we faced was that all of our footage was grainy, and we had crazy-major backlighting for our interview with Mr. Zuck that even Premier Pro couldn't fix. I learned that I really do not want to do Convergence Journalism next year. It is not my cup of tea. Writing voiceovers is hard for me- and I LOVE writing! It put a lot of stress on my shoulders and editing did not come naturally to me the way that it did last year when we did entertainment-esque videos. I was very glad that I was put in the Word From the Halls because it was fun to edit and I wasn't stressed out at all :) I was happy with how it turned out and I loved my group.

Time Management

It was harder to use my time in class in video this semester because I often didn't know what to edit, and my editing never looked good. I do oftentimes feel like managing time is one of my stronger suits- I am happy with the things I get done in graphic design, but I struggle to film and edit in this class, at least just with the Convergence projects. I always used the maximum amount of time given in class to complete my projects. I never finished early. If a project I am working on is severely behind, I will go in after school to work on it. I never go in during Raven 50 because the Yearbook kids scare me, and I don't want to bother them.

My Strengths and Weaknesses

 I think that some of my strengths are storyboarding and brainstorming, coming up with a strong outline of the piece, and making my shots as accurate to the storyboard as possible. I am pretty strong in everything involving writing and planning- aside from voiceovers... to maximize my strengths, I can try to focus on the technical side of things a little bit more. For example, researching and figuring out how to make my footage less grainy. My biggest weakness is sound! Usually, I can figure out how to function the picture/filming part of the camera, but figuring out the sound on the actual camera doesn't make much sense to me, especially when mics are involved. To improve in these areas, I think I can put myself in roles that I need work in, like more technical roles. Asking my peers and watching tutorial videos could definitely help, too.


The thing that I loved most about this semester was watching my peers' videos and seeing all of the talents in the classroom! It was also nice how relaxing the classroom's setup is! Next semester I need to be more efficient with time by making sure the filming is done ON TIME, making sure we have enough/all of our footage and making sure that my editing is efficient. Reminding myself that my videos aren't going to be 100% perfect might help with that too :) This semester my major takeaways were, Convergence is not for me, and I need to work on my video filming skills. Next semester I am going to try very hard to make my videos COMPLETE. I only completed one project this semester. Many of my videos did not have voice overs, or B-Roll and had lots of empty space. I do not want any of that next semester. I am excited to start entertainment!! :) 
