Vector Portrait

Vector Portrait

Pre Production

Pre-Production work for this project was pretty easy. I had to select the photo I wanted to vectorize, posterize it in photoshop and then make my artboards 8x10. I selected the photo of me because I thought it would be interesting to see how close I could get the portrait to looking like myself. I picked this photo because the lighting was pretty good and my whole face was shown. We had to pick between an organic portrait and a geometric portrait, and I picked organic because I thought it would more accurately look like me when it was finished. If I had decided to pick an animal, I maybe would have tried a geometric portrait, but the eyes on geometric portraits freak me out.


I began with the eyes and eyebrows. Why? I'm really not sure, but from there I moved to the mouth, then to the nose, the face, and then I moved on to hair. While working, I often referred back to the layers tab to organize my work. If I needed to hide the entirety of the mouth so I could get a better look at the shadows on the original picture under the vectors, I could hide it without having to hide every single piece and then unhide every single piece. It definitely made the process a lot smoother. Some design elements I focused on were space and value. Value was essential to add balance to the face (balance between colors and the sizes).


I am not upset with the end result! If I would have spent more time on it and if I would have zoomed in more I probably could have made it more precise. My portrait looks less realistic and more cartooney, but I think that it is alright because it is the style choice that I made and you can still tell that it is me if you know me. I enjoyed this project!
