Color Wheel
The Project Overview
For our first e9 Graphic Design project, we created a color wheel on Adobe Illustrator. It was pretty fun and pretty simple. Granted, it was our first project. What we had to do was draw a color wheel using shapes, text, and color. Before we even started the project we took notes on color (like primary, secondary, tertiary, etc) and the color wheel itself. For my project, I tried to make the colors more lighter/softer than they originally were, and I think it turned out okay. I also really like the font I used in relation to the project.
What I Learned
For this project I mainly just learned how to use illustrator because of the fact that I already knew all of the colors and where they were on the color wheel. Woaaaah I'm so coooool.... I don't exactly know what I learned about graphic design, but now I know how to make stuff like shapes, how to color, and how to navigate stuff on Adobe Illustrator, and I know some of the many, many shortcuts. I also learned that it is harder to space things out than you think, because I had a difficult time spacing out the triangles and squares. You cannot really tell from a distance, but if you stare at it or look close enough, you can see that the spacing in-between all of the shapes are really bad.
How I Did
I feel like I did a decent job overall, but I know I could have done better. For one, I'm most certainly not proud of the spacing, and on the other hand, I'm not a big fan of the sizing of all of my shapes. I grasped the concept of color and I understood how to use Illustrator, but I do think I need to work on it some more. I liked how the colors on my project turned out because I was trying to go for more pastel-y shades, and I love the font in relation to the project, like I said before. The project was fun, and I'm ready to start the new one!
Good job, Savannah!